An affordable set of Flarm + Display + ICG Logger
Complete with all accessories, overhauled and calibrated by LXNavigation in June 2014!
Colibri Flarm Package includes:
- Colibri Flarm unit (serial No DZ9 – 18117) with original antenna
- LX Navigation LED Display (mounted on 57mm adapter)
- New GPS antenna
- Cable to Connect Flarm to display
- Cable to connect Colibri to PC
- Flarm firmware update cable for PC
- June 2014 Calibration chart by LX Navigation
- Cable to power the Colibri and the Flarm
(price for the whole package when new was 1300EUR:
Supplimentary Accessories:
- Module for connecting Colibri Flarm to Oudie or other PNA (also providing power to Colibri Flarm and PNA)
(price when new was 43EUR:
- Original LXNavigation Colibri holder
- Serial to USB adapter (for PC’s that no longer have serial port)
Price for the whole package: 550EUR (including transport)